Kechris Lab


Kechris Lab Github


NetSHyR code: T. Vu

NetSHy Network summarization via a hybrid approach leveraging topological properties. See Vu et al., 2024. Github

RCFGLC/Python: S. Seal

RCFGL Rapid Condition adaptive Fused Graphical Lasso and application to modeling brain region co-expression networks. See Seal et al., 2024. Github


Omics SubtypingR, Python, Tensorflow code: E. Stene, S. Helmi, L. Gillenwater.

Multi-omics subtyping pipeline for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. See Gillenwater et al., 2021. Github

SmCCNetR package: J. Shi

Correlation analysis based method for discovering (quantitative) trait-specific multi-omics networks. See Shi et al., 2019. CRAN Github

DiscordantR package: C. Siska

Identify pairs of features that differentially correlate between phenotypic groups, with application to -omics data. See Siska et al., 2016 and Siska & Kechris, 2017.. Bioconductor

lcmixR package: D. Dvorkin

Hierarchical mixture models for genomic data integration. see Dvorkin et al., 2013.


MAIR package, REST API: J. Dekermanjian

R package which uses a two-step approach to imputing missing data in metabolomics see Dekermanjian et al., 2022

PaIRKATR package, Shiny app: C. Carpenter, C. Severn

A pathway integrated regression-based kernel association test with applications to metabolomics see Carpenter et al., 2021.

MSCATWeb Server: J. Dekermanjian, W. Labeikovsky

Database of metabolomics software tools and allows one to generate potential software workflows using an online interface. see Dekermanjian et al., 2021.

MaRRR package, Shiny app: T. Ghosh, M. McGrath

Reproducibility of mass spectrometry based metabolomics data.see Ghosh et al., 2021

MSPrepR package: M. McGrath, G. Hughes

Post processing of LC/MS metabolomic data. MsPRep Performs summarization of replicates, filtering, imputation, normalization, generates diagnostic plots and outputs final analytic datasets for downstream analysis. see Hughes et al., 2014.


tidyMicroR package: C. Carpenter

A pipeline for microbiome data analysis and visualization using the tidyverse in R. see Carpenter et al., 2021


comb-pPython code: B. Pedersen

Combining genome-wide p-values using a modified Stouffer-Liptak test corrected for spatial correlations. see Kechris et al., 2010 and Pedersen et al., 2012


aptardiPython: R. Lusk

Aptardi predicts polyadenylation sites in sample-specific transcriptomes using high-throughput RNA sequencing and DNA sequence see Lusk et al., 2021.

MCMSeqR package: B. Vestal, C. Moore

Bayesian hierarchical modeling of clustered and repeated measures RNA sequencing experiments. see Vestal et al., 2020

miR-MaGiCJava/Snakemake pipeline: P. Russell

Pipeline for miRNA expression quantification from small RNA-seq see Russell et al., 2018

HeritSeqR package: J. Shi, P. Rudra, B. Vestal, P. Russel

Calculate heritability of count based expression traits derived from high-throughput sequencing experiments. see Rudra, Wen, Vestal et al., 2017

multiMiRR package: Y. Ru

Comprehensive collection of predicted and validated miRNA-target interactions and their associations with diseases and drugs. see Ru et al., 2014.



Simultaneously analyze binding dissociation constants for large repertoires of sequences based on high throughput sequencing. see Pollock et al., 2011.

c-REDUCEANSI C code: assisted by D. Dvorkin) Available upon request

c(onservation)-REDUCE. Extension of the REDUCE algorithm that incorporates conservation across multiple species to detect motifs that correlate with expression. see Kechris & Li, 2009

OR-MEMEANSI C code: M. Richards) Available upon request

OR-MEME(Order Restricted MEME). Detecting DNA regulatory motifs by constraining the order of information content. see van Zwet et al., 2005

TFEMANSI C code: M. Richards) Available upon request

TFEM(Transcription Factor Expectation Maximization). Detecting DNA regulatory motifs by incorporating positional trends in information content. see Kechris et al., 2004